In Tahiti the word ‘Tatau’ or Tattoo is translated as “drawing or decorating the skin.” For the Maori, facial tattoos denoted the class, profession, social status and family of origin, whereas the Greeks and Romans used them to brand criminals and slaves. The early Christians used small body tattoos representing a cross, a lamb or a fish as signs of…
Anti – Wrinkle Injection is one of the most commonly performed non invasive cosmetic procedures worldwide in men and women alike. People today want to look relaxed, fresher and have accepted that anti wrinkle treatment can make you look fresher and younger even WITHOUT making you look plastic. In the current scenario more and more younger patients come in for…
Did you know fillers have many different names? Dermal fillers, soft tissue fillers or hyaluronic acid fillers (HAF’s) denote one and the same thing. The most commonly used fillers globally are made of Hyaluronic acid (HAF’s – Hyaluronic Acid Fillers) which is an essential and natural component of our skin and when this hyaluronic acid is synthetically processed and undergoes…
We all are born with a soft and beautiful skin, but aging takes its toll on all of us! However, it’s not always aging but also the other factors like hormonal changes, exposure to UV rays, pollution and improper care that cause pigmentation issues. Lasers are the ideal way to correct acne scars, blast away melasma, hyperpigmentation and other common…
The presence of body hair is natural, but to match today’s beauty standards all of us are struggling with the removal of unwanted hair. The presence of hair on visible body parts makes us look unappealing and our constant tussle with waxing, shaving and plucking are never ending. Thanks to the advent and advancement of Laser Hair Reduction (LHR) we…
What is on the inside will always reflect on the outside. A vibrant skin is the result of a healthy body and mind. Also, if you look good, you feel good. Your appearance affects your self-confidence. However, we can’t resist natural changes in our skin that take place due to aging and several other factors but the effects can certainly…